Thursday 15 May 2008

Day Two

Day 2 is over, well almost, it wasn't as bad as I was anticipating, I recall last time feeling bloody awful but I cut down on the carbs a great deal before the re-start so maybe that has helped, will see how I feel tomorrow. I do feel incredibly tired, more so than I usually do and I haven't experienced any headaches this time.

I was tempted by food today and was so very proud of myself for walking away, if I can keep that resolve up for the next 12 weeks I'll be at my goal weight before I know it. I have 44lb to lose, I'm already excited and looking forward to my weigh in and I'm all signed up for an aerobics class on Monday evening.

I think I've managed to drink all my water today but I think I'll take some up to bed with me just to be certain and hopefully tomorrow I'll start to feel a bit more human and not so tired.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Hi Staph. the camera still going strong althoguh I need to clean something off the Sigma lense so couldn't use that today. To be honest, the planes were a long way off and weather conditions not great so I doubt the pics'll be up to much.

Well done for having another go....hope it works for you this time. As I recall, you didn't have a lot to drop so hopefully a skinny summer??

Lesley x