Sunday, 18 May 2008

Day four II

I've messed up somewhere here, typically, I started on a Wednesday so it's my fourth day today, it's because I go to see my CDC on a Tuesday, nevermind.

Today has gone well, I'd really like a soup though, I've been thinking of going buying some of the bouillon but I want to try and do this without adding anything and as it's my first week I wanted to be really strict, it's only till Tuesday and then I can ask if I can swap the packs for soups.

I'm looking forward to my weigh-in probably a bit too excited to be honest lol. Just want to know if this week has been worth it . . .


Lesley said...

No, excitement is means you're invested in the whole process rather than doing it under sufferance. Hold the excitement as long as possible I say.

Well done and I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on on Tuesday.

Lesley x

Steph said...

How right you are Lesley I never thought of it like that.