Monday, 19 May 2008

Day Five

Day five is over and done with, successfully! I'm still incredibly tired, my mouth still feels furry, I'm paranoid about bad breath and I'm chuffin' freezin'. Other than that I'm doing great.

Went to an aerobics class tonight which was fun and far more enjoyable than a gym, think I may actually stick at it, making more of an effort to walk to work when I'm on early shifts and I walk the dogs seperately so I go out of the house at least three times a day. It's all going well and I know I'm not going to stick to it I am a naturally lazy person so if I have a day or two when I take the car or walk the dogs together I'm not going to make a big deal about but I'm going to make the effort to exercise each day even if it's just a mini "workout" in the house.

I went out to the pub tonight with the people from work, it is far more difficult for me to be around alcohol than it is food and I didn't touch a drop. Co-workers kept asking if I wanted to buy a bottle of water but there's no way I'm paying for water, especially not pub prices!!!! Such a skinflint.

Anyway weigh-in tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Hi Steph. You're doing really well too. Excellent on the pub front but don't push yourself too hard will you? If you struggle around booze, maybe keep outof the range of it while you're also depriving yourself around food too?? There's no sense in heaping challenges on yourself!

Anyway, keep up the gym and I bet you could run if you started slow...I could shuffle when I was 19 stone....not exactly running but it was a start!

Keep it up.

Lesley x